Tong Bai says most children in the neighbourhood come from poor families that will never be able to send their children to college or university and that means many children are sent to the city early on to make a living in factories under unhealthy circumstances. People live to work and it is a matter of survival on a day to day basis.
She wants to teach children that happiness and opportunities are to be found close to their homes and she is the living example after working and living in Bangkok for many years to return to her village to create Earth Home.
Next to basic skills like growing your own food and building your own home she teaches children Buddhist principles and self-awareness in a very natural way.
Through the many foreign visitors and volunteers the children of Earth Home School learn English and Chinese and all kinds of other skills, like music, art, crafts and yoga.
Besides going to a regular school in the village, Earth Home School offers these children empowerment and learning opportunities that last for a life time and an enormous chance to take lives in their own hands and create a happy and fulfilling life that is not based on materialism in a world that offers them little opportunity.
Earth Home School is partially self-funded, but also relies on donations to keep going. A percentage of the income coming from our family retreats also goes directly to Earth Home School.
Here’s what our friends from the International School of Macao thought about their visit to Earth Home School (TIS Service Trip Thailand 2017):